Saturday, 20 July 2013

Great Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams

Those of us with memories not too faded by the purgatory that has enveloped us all since the halcyon days of the 80's and 90's may recall a game vaguely reminiscent of Mario Brothers that appeared on the ST in 1988, called Great Giana Sisters. Despite slanderous and untrue allegations by Nintendo, the franchise has continued healthily to today.
Great Giana Sisters: Any resemblance to Mario Brother is purely coincidental
Introducing the latest 2.5D iteration in the franchise, Great Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams

Tetris Printer Algorithm

It is a well known fact that Tetris has never been much of a challenge really. It is also a sad-but-universally acknowledged truth that paint programs have generally made it far too easy to produce passable pixel art. Well, fear no more. Both problems have been solved in one fell swoop with the concept of Tetris being used as a pixel-art tool. The standard of performance is currently set by the Tetris Printer algorithm... but I'm sure you can all beat that. We'll be trying at the monthly MACE meeting on the 21st of July, same bat time, same bat channel.