Wednesday, 12 December 2018

December 2018 teaser

This month a look a ML

  An Atari BASIC program ready to run

Yes, Machine Language actually lies beneath high-level languages such as Atari BASIC

Saturday, 17 November 2018

November 2018 Meeting Report

Here's a little something that was created with Cubase on an Atari ST 1024  (But obviously not by us!)

View the story here  (  <-- 'click the here'  :)  )

Here's something that appears to have been produced without an Atari  (Once again not by us!)

And we finished with a very brief visit to

Hey that Dude (Darude) visited Australia this Month & Last Month including Narre Warren (Empire Club) in Victoria, Australia

November 2018 teaser

Ok, if I ever get this teaser out we're gonna have a look at Cubase...

  Cubase Pro 10 Full Version


Saturday, 20 October 2018

Saturday, 15 September 2018

September 2018 Meeting Report

Welcome Dear web Reader, and thanx for joining in, as we once again fired up some Epyx & Bally Manufacturing classics on Retropie;

Electrocop - Screenshot
11:06AM AEST;
And this was all the rage;

Ms. Pac-Man - Screenshot

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

September 2018 teaser

Hey this Month we could be checking out Thomas Cherryhomes's Atari ST version of PLATOTerm (The software you'll need to connect your Atari ST to via the Internet)

Also we may get around to checking out a story on recovering schematics for the Atari ST and the Atari Panther games consoles (includes ASIC designs).  How much can we learn from the past?

Saturday, 18 August 2018

August 2018 Meeting Report

Cold, wet & windy best describes Melbourne on this Winter's Day but on we press.  Hey Members did you know you can do your own updates to The Blogspot directly from your warm cozy home?  Not a member?  Then why not sign up?  ---->  Melbourne PC User Group  And look for us in SIGs!

(Here's a shortcut  MACE SIG  )

Watched videos of artifical intelligence

Fired up some Epyx & Bally Manufacturing classics on Retropie (Yes, the HDMI output makes it easy to connect to modern displays & projectors)

Blue Lightning - Screenshot  Electrocop - Screenshot Xenophobe - Screenshot

Friday, 17 August 2018

August 2018 teaser

This Month, who knows where things will take us, maybe we will take on the idea of developing a 36-bit computer?  Of course there are those probably thinking "Why not just go 64-bit?".  Well extra cost for one thing but building an extra 4-bits onto an existing 32-bit system may be a saving in costs and developement time.  Think what 36-bits could give the end-user in terms of colour (or color) definition vs. the traditional defacto-standard of 24-bits!

Utilising something that provides some familiarity like Motorola's 68EC060 running at 75 Mhz may also provide a path for backward compatability with computer like the Atari ST.  So let's get out the schematics and start designing...

Thursday, 19 July 2018

July 2018 Meeting Report

For any of the younger generation (especially those who've grown up not experiencing technology such as the cathode ray tube) emulators may be the only way in which they'll interact with the Atari classics (And yes quite a few classics licensed to Atari as well).

So this Month we've set up RetoPie 4.4 from scratch.  With all the hard work done by the retroPie community this is the sort of project I imagine you could get the kids involved in.

Step one.  Wiltronics were able to supply us with the basics to start.  And at a modest price we were able to purchase a Raspberry Pi Model B+, a 2.5 AMP power supply (neccessary to power this 1.4GHz beast) and a 16GB Micro SD Card to get us started

With initial support from Gra and an Internet connection (Essential), it was on to setting up the Micro SD Card for use with the Pi...

There's more to come, including  playing classic games that use the Atari's STA (siamese twin analog) controllers...

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

July 2018 teaser

I'm guessing the tech-perts among us are already familiar with this but if you want to find out how your android phone stacks up against, oh I don't know let's say, a Raspberry Pi then try downloading the free android app CPU-Z from the Play Store.  It will give you all the stats (well more stats than I'm ever likely to need!)

Why the Raspberry Pi?  Well because it's gaining a reputation for emulation.  It definitely quite good at reproducing classic games for the Atari such as Activision's Pitfall II: Lost Caverns

Check out the latest Raspberry Pi at the July meeting this Sunday 15th of July 2018.  Meeting at Level 1, 479 Warrigal Road, Moorabbin (VIC Australia)(Opp. Bunnings) from 10 AM (our time)

Thursday, 21 June 2018

June 2018 Meeting Report

A couple of nice things about the RetroPie (based on the successful Raspberry Pi from the UK)

  • One - It has HDMI output (Which can come in handy!)
  • Two - It is a great device for playing those old Atari classics via emulation!
"Retropie, Retropie, output to a HDMI projector & project onto clouds in The Sky!"

I'm not sure if such an idea will work, just a thought

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

June 2018 teaser

Invitation to The Melbourne Computer Club Open Day
You are invited to come along to our Moorabbin Office on Sunday the 17th of June to see some of the great Projects that our members have been working on and talk to fellow Members about your own interests and help to influence the future direction of our club.
The full details of the "Open Day" are as follows:-
Event Details
13:00-17:00 Sunday 17th June 2018
Our Members will be displaying how to:
Automate Curtains & Blinds
Analyse Solar Usage
Build a sun tracking Mirror

Automate a Gate Opener

Construct a Robotics Kit

Build a 3D Printer

Build a CNC Router
To Register for the Open Day please enrol on the
Melbourne Computer Club Web Site

Our mailing address is: