Saturday, 18 May 2019

May 2019 Meeting Report

Couldn't make it to the meeting Today?  But you're available next Friday night on the 24th of May 2019 from  7:00 PM onwards?  Into retrogaming or want to be?  Then make your way to 479 Warrigal Rd, Moorabbin VIC Australia for a fun & social night

May 2019 teaser

Hey fashionably late seems to be all the rage

This teaser is going out just before our official meeting start

But I'll still let you in if you're one of those geeks or nerdy types who insists on turning up before the meeting start

The rest I'll see you after 11:00 AM

Speaking of fashionably late here's a video (/EP) released by (Laser) Lotek Style some 30 years after it began...Thanks Tom for sending that one to us from Interstate some months back in March (Scroll Down for a brief meeting report & see that it hasn't been included until now, we can be fashionably late too  ;)  Ok I'm probably milking "fashionably" a Bit too much)