Saturday, 17 August 2019

August 2019 Meeting Report

It seems like this Month's MACE Meeting will be playing out over 2 Sundays at two different locations (I was going to put it as locals but hey Internet is global, which is hardly local is it?)

This tech crawl is starting today at Moorabbin (Which is, I'm sure, just a short helicopter ride from the centre of Melbourne.  None of us actually own a helicopter.  Which is probably safer anyway.).  And may well end up finishing in Kilsyth in a more or less social fashion.  Let's play it by ear (Thanx Tom, the legacy lives on!  Thanks to everyone involved!)

Just 1618 points away my intended score for this pic!

To be continued(?)...

August 2019 teaser

Have your say on where we Host the next MACE Meeting;

Parliament House
Too Hot or Cold?

If you can't reach us on  then try  or even easier leave a post in the comments down(-under) below!

Remember to delete the .nospam from the email addresses before sending, unless you're a SPAM BOT then BUGger off!