Sunday 17 April 2016

April 2016 Meeting

MACE Apologies, with regular attendees starting to arrive from 10:20 am we didn't officially open the doors until 10:46 am today

Just as well we did though as we were treated to a new Atari Falcon action puzzle game that is nearing completion. Splendid Graphics I think we all got a little bit hooked

But that's not all, we also had a neat little device that makes file transfers for an Atari ST or Atari Falcon over a network a breeze. Sorry Ultrasatan & Drimg you've got a run for your money now

(Yes, well if you're coming in by Public Transport you'll have to add  in an error of +200% over the time it would take by car I would  imagine)

March 2016 Meeting

...Ah The Bard's Tale